Irregular Verbs

  1. 4. past form of the verb do
  2. 8. past form of the verb run
  3. 10. base form of(driven)
  4. 11. past participle of the verb buy
  5. 12. past form of (build)
  6. 14. past form of the verb wear
  7. 16. past form of the verb fly
  8. 18. past participle of the verb teach
  9. 20. past participle of feed
  10. 22. past participle of sleep
  11. 25. base form of(said)
  12. 26. past form of the verb hurt
  13. 29. past participle of steal
  14. 30. base form of(caught)
  15. 32. base form (held)
  16. 35. past participle of understand
  17. 37. past form of the verb ride
  18. 38. past form of the verb forget
  19. 40. past form of the verb send
  20. 42. past participle of the verb tell
  21. 43. past participle of be grow
  22. 44. past participle of go
  23. 45. base form of the verb (bled)
  24. 47. past form of the verb swim
  25. 50. past participle of fight
  26. 52. past form of the verb cost
  27. 55. base form of the verb (became)
  28. 56. past participle of break
  29. 57. past participle of the verb choose
  30. 59. past form of the verb win
  31. 60. past form of the verb think
  32. 61. past form of the verb eat
  33. 62. past participle of make
  1. 1. past participle of bring
  2. 2. base form of(came)
  3. 3. past participle of read
  4. 5. past form of the verb draw
  5. 6. past participle of get
  6. 7. base form of the verb (bit)
  7. 9. past participle of put
  8. 11. past participle of begin
  9. 13. past form of the verb lose
  10. 15. past participle of the verb drink
  11. 17. base form of(let)
  12. 19. base form of hid
  13. 20. past participle of feel
  14. 21. base form of(paid)
  15. 23. past form of(threw)
  16. 24. past form of the verb stand
  17. 25. past form of the verb sit
  18. 26. past participle of have
  19. 27. past form of the verb hear
  20. 28. past participle of find
  21. 29. past participle of the verb speak
  22. 31. past participle of hit
  23. 33. past form of the verb meet
  24. 34. past form of the verb keep
  25. 36. past form of the verb sing
  26. 38. past form of the verb fall
  27. 39. past participle of give
  28. 40. past form of the verb see
  29. 41. base form of(wrote)
  30. 46. past participle of leave
  31. 48. past form of be
  32. 49. base form of(blew)
  33. 51. past participle of take
  34. 53. past participle of the verb(spend)
  35. 54. base form of(known)
  36. 55. past form of the verb beat
  37. 57. past participle of cut
  38. 58. past participle of sell