irregular verbs

  1. 2. English translation of the Dutch word 'leunen'
  2. 3. Past simple form of 'to steal'
  3. 6. Past participle of 'to hear'
  4. 7. Past simple form of 'to cut'
  5. 10. English translation of the Dutch word 'bewijzen'
  6. 12. Past simple form of 'to find'
  7. 13. Past simple form of 'to stand'
  8. 14. Past participle of 'to win'
  9. 15. Dutch translation of the English word 'to burn'
  10. 17. Dutch translation of the English word 'to hit'
  1. 1. Past participle of 'to eat'
  2. 2. Dutch translation of the English word 'to read'
  3. 4. English translation of the Dutch word 'gooien'
  4. 5. Dutch translation of the English word 'to drive'
  5. 8. English translation of the Dutch word 'vergeten'
  6. 9. Dutch translation of the English word 'to know'
  7. 11. Past participle of 'to tell'
  8. 13. Past participle of 'to speak'
  9. 15. English translation of the Dutch word 'bouwen'
  10. 16. Past simple form of 'to lay'