Irregular verbs Past and Past participle.

  1. 1. Wake
  2. 3. Write
  3. 4. Give
  4. 7. Sleep
  5. 9. Eat
  6. 11. Find
  7. 13. Know
  8. 17. Sing
  9. 18. Break
  10. 19. See
  11. 21. Forget
  12. 23. Buy
  13. 26. Drive
  14. 27. Choose.
  1. 1. Win
  2. 2. Leave
  3. 5. Grow
  4. 6. Swim
  5. 8. Fall
  6. 10. Have
  7. 12. Read
  8. 14. Drink
  9. 15. Steal
  10. 16. Take
  11. 20. Spend
  12. 22. Think
  13. 23. Begin
  14. 24. Say
  15. 25. Meet