Irregular Verbs

  1. 2. The bird (simple past to fly) into a tree.
  2. 3. I have (past participle to send) an e-mail to my pen pal in Australia.
  3. 5. Where have you (past participle to be) all afternoon?
  4. 6. He (simple past to begin) crying when he heard the news.
  5. 7. The cat has (past participle to catch) a mouse in the garage.
  6. 11. My brother (simple past to find)an I-phone at the bus station.
  7. 12. She had (past particple to take) the book from the table.
  8. 14. Robin (simple past to do) his homework on the computer.
  9. 16. Do you think they (simple past to tell) the truth?
  10. 17. Have you (past particple to write) that letter yet?
  11. 18. The boys (simple past to sleep) in a tent during their holiday.
  12. 21. They have (past particple to drive) to Paris and back again.
  13. 22. Someone has (past particple to steal) my laptop and my bicycle.
  14. 23. He (simple past to show) me around in his new house.
  15. 25. Peter (simple past to win) the lottery last year.
  16. 26. I (simple past to hurt) my foot yesterday.
  1. 1. I have never (past participle to see) anything like this.
  2. 3. I (simple past to spend) ten euros on the bus ticket.
  3. 4. We (simple past to beat) the other school in a football match.
  4. 6. Who has (past participle to break) the window?
  5. 8. I thought you (simple past to understand)my question.
  6. 9. They (simple past to loose) all their money at the airport.
  7. 10. The company has (past participle to give) me compensation for the damage of my new computer.
  8. 13. My parents have never (past participle to fly)in an airplane before.
  9. 15. We (simple past to eat) fruit after dinner.
  10. 19. She has (past participle to teach) him a lesson.
  11. 20. How could I have (past particple to know) that he was coming to Rotterdam?
  12. 21. Grandmother (simple past to drink) lemonade in the garden.
  13. 24. simple past to go.