Irregular verbs

  1. 3. Have you ever … (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean?
  2. 4. I haven’t … (show) you my new bike. Let’s go for a ride this afternoon.
  3. 6. Cédric had … (stand) there waiting for Félicia for hours in the cold and she never came.
  4. 7. Has your sister … (ring) you up yet?
  5. 8. There was a power cut last weekend, so Jolan … (light) lots of candles to be able to study for his physics exam.
  6. 10. Tyler injured his arm once when he was playing hockey and for a few days it really hurt when he ... (bend) it.
  7. 11. Bruno has just … (throw) his book against the wall; he was angry because he had forgotten to learn his irregular verbs!
  8. 13. Where have you … (choose) to eat for lunch?
  9. 14. Ludovic … (shoot) a deer last weekend.
  10. 15. Have you ever … (meet) someone famous?
  1. 1. Have you already ... (begin) your Bachelor thesis?
  2. 2. The waitress asked Raphaël if he wanted another beer. He … (shake) his head; one was enough.
  3. 3. Two guys were having an argument in the bar. Then they went out and … (fight) in the street.
  4. 4. Yesterday was a really nice day, the sun … (shine) all day.
  5. 5. I wanted to plant
  6. 6. Have you ever been … (sting) by a snake?
  7. 9. Oops, the fridge was too cold and everything has...(freeze).
  8. 12. Excuse me if I look a bit tired, I haven’t really … (wake) up properly yet.
  9. 13. Last week Enea had to buy a book for his maths course and it ... (cost) him 70.- He wasn’t pleased!
  10. 14. I asked Jonas to finish his exercise, so he … (speed) up.