I&S Crossword Summative

  1. 3. The different parts of the soul. The humor, warmth, charm, and uniqueness of a person. Has the ability to leave the tomb and move about. It is represented as a human-headed bird. As Egyptians believed that birds were magical and could fly through the living and the afterlife.
  2. 4. Means "world". Concept of rebirth. The cycle of all life, matter, and existence. It can be manipulated to one's benefit through meditation, study, and devotion. Religion practice gives liberation from samsara. Samsara is the base of karma. In which good deeds are rewarded and bad deeds result in punishment.
  3. 6. The practice of worship in a home or temple. Means deep respect, honor, ceremony, adoration, and worship. Offerings include light, flowers, and water/food to the divine. The divine is another word for god or supernatural being, above and or greater than humankind. For the worshipper, the divine is visible in an image, and the divinity sees the worshipper. Essential ritual of Hinduism.
  4. 7. A sequence of powerful leaders in the same family. A rule being handed down from father to son is an example of this. The longest surviving is the Imperial House of Japan, whose reign is traditionally dated to 660 BCE and attested from 781 CE. The Qing family was the last powerful family. It lasted from 1662 - 1912.
  5. 9. Was made to help with a crisis, used in the Roman Republic. A senate would give a dictator the rule by edict. This allowed the dictator to make decisions quickly. Then when the crisis was over the dictator would retire and the changes the dictator made during his or her rule would be canceled. Today, dictators install themselves and don’t give up their power.
  6. 10. A writing system using picture symbols. Means sacred carvings. At first, used for inscriptions carved or painted on temple walls. An original form of writing out of which all other forms have evolved. Two of the newer forms are hieratic and demotic.
  1. 1. The ethical principle of non-harm. This is a principle in the Indian religions of Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. An example of this is being a vegetarian. As this doesn’t require killing animal life. This practice also helps accumulate good karma.
  2. 2. Originated from Greek mythology. Compared to a maze. But the difference is that it has a non-branching path. Leading to the center. A clear route to the center and back and is not designed to be difficult to navigate. It was made by a skilled craftsman, Daedulus. It was made for King Minos of Crete at Knossos. He ruled Crete and the Aigan Sea islands three generations before the Trojan war. The reason behind the structure was to keep a Minotaur, a mythical creature that is half man and half bull, captive. Daedalus’s attention to detail almost left him lost inside after it was fully built.
  3. 5. mythical creature with the head of a human, a falcon, a cat, or a sheep and the body of a lion with the wings of a falcon. It represents Ra-Horakhty, the powerful Egyptian sun god. But can also represent the incarnation of royal power and or the protector of the temple doors. Is an evil and cruel creature. It asks riddles and those who can’t answer them are killed or eaten by the monster.
  4. 8. A small token that is believed to protect against evil and injury. It is worn by the living. And are placed with mummies. Leading them and protecting them to the afterlife.