Is It An Animal?

  1. 2. An animal that feeds on tiny bits of decaying matter called detritus.
  2. 5. Animal cells have a ___ and organelles.
  3. 8. All animals can ___ sexually.
  4. 12. Animals ___ from place to place.
  5. 13. Animals with a backbone.
  6. 15. When one animal closely resembles another animal in appearance.
  7. 16. Animals with no definite shape or symmetry.
  8. 18. Animals are made of many ___.
  9. 19. Animals depend on other living things for ___.
  10. 20. A type of carnivore that eats only the remains of dead animals.
  1. 1. An animal that only eats other animals.
  2. 3. Animals without a backbone.
  3. 4. Animals ___ their own food.
  4. 6. Some animals, like skunks, use these to escape from predators.
  5. 7. Any structure, process or behavior that helps an organism survive in its environment.
  6. 9. Animals that have body parts arranged in a circle around a center point have ___ symmetry.
  7. 10. An animal that only eats plants.
  8. 11. Animals with ___ symmetry can be divided into right and left halves that are mirror images of each other.
  9. 14. An animal that eats both plants and animals.
  10. 17. Any marking or coloring that helps an animal hide from other animals.