  1. 2. Result of our action (skt word)
  2. 3. As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Pṛthā. (State the verse number)
  3. 7. His outside form (Skt word)
  4. 8. Which part of the lord activities is only accepted by mayavad school?
  5. 9. Which bg verse states, That the spiritual sky is situated far, far away from the material universe.
  6. 13. He is our...lord
  7. 14. Lord can descend before us with a speed more powerful than the....
  8. 18. He appears to...the miscreants(bg4.?)
  9. 20. Potencies are converted as per his ...
  10. 21. which feature of the lord is disapproved?
  11. 23. Power of god is...
  12. 25. He can witness everything we are doing.(skt word)
  13. 26. This does not mean lord is subject to the laws of material nature when he takes the material form.
  14. 27. there is...among the diverse energies.
  1. 1. who accepts the lord in both ways?
  2. 4. This word has no meaning without the inconceivable potency.
  3. 5. which souls are near and dear to the lord.
  4. 6. He appears to ...the belivers.
  5. 9. The....effulgence is the glow of his personal rays.
  6. 10. fools deride him, considering him a ...being (BG9.??)
  7. 11. accept the inconceivable potency as...
  8. 12. He is the... of different energies.
  9. 15. Material vision and existence is...
  10. 16. the Lord in His personal form still enjoys unlimitedly all the.... enjoyed minutely by the tiny part-and-parcel living entities.
  11. 17. He is the Primeval lord.
  12. 19. Lord enters everything by his....
  13. 22. Lord comes in this form to accept service from his devotees.(Sanskrit)
  14. 24. Lords... is not produced by material nature.