- 1. Muhammad’s profession as a young man.
- 3. Al-Khwarizmi discovered an advanced form of mathematics called ___________________.
- 4. The city the ruling family of Abbasids built.
- 6. Two rivers that made Baghdad the “marketplace of the world”.
- 8. Contribution Muslim scholars made to mathematics.
- 13. Was elected as the first ruler after the death of Islam’s founder.
- 15. The fastest growing religion in the world today.
- 16. Believed that only members of Muhammad’s family should lead the Muslim people.
- 17. Means successor to the prophet.
- 19. Leaders of Islam who came after Muhammad are called _________________.
- 20. Muhammad’s revelations were eventually written down in this Islamic holy book.
- 1. Mecca and Medina became large cities because they were located along important ___________________.
- 2. The “beautiful writing” that became an important art form in the Islam world.
- 5. Phrase that describes the period of time in the 9th century C.E. when literature, art, and science flourished.
- 7. One word defintion of Hajj.
- 8. Ruled during the golden age of Islam.
- 9. Traveling from place to place.
- 10. Tall towers of mosques where a speaker announces the times of prayers.
- 11. Two countries where Muslim merchants set up successful trading colonies.
- 12. Muhammad’s flight from Mecca to ________________ became known as the hijra and it marks the first year of the Islamic calendar.
- 14. Means “a holy war” to the Muslims.
- 18. Muslim architects built many beautiful ________________in which people could worship.