  1. 5. 4th layer of ISO-OSI
  2. 6. 7th layer of ISO-OSI
  3. 9. receiving something
  4. 10. 5th layer of ISO-OSI
  5. 13. someone that provides something needed
  6. 15. process of transmitting something
  7. 17. 2nd layer of ISO-OSI
  8. 18. who receive the message
  9. 19. which can use in the world
  10. 21. set of rules for communicate
  1. 1. used or accepted as normal
  2. 2. the process of converting information or data into a code
  3. 3. a device connected to a network
  4. 4. they are present in the 3rd layer
  5. 7. 6th layer od ISO-OSI
  6. 8. a system in which the components and protocols conform to standards
  7. 11. sending or receiving information
  8. 12. who send the message
  9. 14. a point in a network
  10. 16. system of interconnected devices
  11. 20. the ISO-OSI is divided into 7