ISTE Terms Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. Thinking - The ability to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and make reasoned judgments and decisions using technology tools and resources.
  2. 8. Collaboration - Working together with others using digital tools to improve communication, coordination, and collective problem solving.
  3. 11. Environments - Online spaces where educational activities take place, allowing for interaction, collaboration, and learning through digital means.
  4. 12. Use of Technology - Adhering to guidelines and best practices to ensure technology is used in a manner that respects intellectual property, privacy, and the well-being of oneself and others.
  5. 13. Literacy - The ability to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate, and create information using a range of digital technologies.
  6. 16. Learning - Engaging with educational content through interactive tools and platforms that facilitate active participation and deeper understanding.
  7. 17. Analysis - The process of examining and interpreting data to make informed decisions, often using technology to visualize and analyze information.
  8. 18. Designer - A student who uses technology to design and develop solutions to problems, applying creativity and critical thinking to real-world challenges.
  9. 19. Constructor - A learner who uses technology to research, curate, and create information, building knowledge through inquiry and exploration.
  10. 20. Communicator - A student who uses digital tools to express ideas, collaborate with others, and share their work in various formats and media.
  1. 1. Learner - A student who takes an active role in their learning by setting goals, using technology to monitor progress, and reflecting on their growth.
  2. 2. The process of using technology to tailor educational experiences to meet individual student needs and learning styles.
  3. 3. Learning - The use of digital tools and resources to support and improve the learning process, including enhancing instruction and providing personalized learning experiences.
  4. 5. Collaborator - A learner who works effectively with others from diverse backgrounds using digital tools to communicate, collaborate, and solve problems.
  5. 6. Tools - Digital platforms and applications that enable students to work together, share information, and co-create projects in a virtual environment.
  6. 7. Communication - The use of various forms of media and digital tools to convey information and ideas effectively, including text, images, audio, and video.
  7. 9. Learning - An instructional approach where students engage in exploring real world problems and challenges, using technology to research and develop solutions over an extended period.
  8. 10. Thinker who is a learner who applies problem-solving techniques and algorithms to understand and solve complex problems, often using coding or data analysis.
  9. 14. Citizenship - The responsible and ethical use of technology, including understanding the impact of technology on society, respecting others online, and practicing safe online behaviors.
  10. 15. Learning - Tailoring educational experiences to the individual needs, strengths, and interests of each student, often facilitated through technology.