It sounded as if the streets were running

  1. 3. A dwarf planet that used to be considered the 9th planet
  2. 6. was all we could feel.
  3. 7. Red planet
  4. 10. The boldest stole out of his _
  5. 12. To see if _ was there
  6. 13. The star at the center of our solar system
  7. 14. What planet is closest to the sun?
  8. 15. what was at the window?
  1. 1. The largest planet in our solar system
  2. 2. the streets _ still
  3. 4. What planet has the most moons?
  4. 5. Hottest planet in the solar system
  5. 8. Nature was mixing fresh...
  6. 9. what was running?
  7. 11. What was in an opal apron?