Italian Activities with Descriptions

  1. 4. (9 letters) - To travel - "Viaggiare," the activity of going from one place to another.
  2. 7. (7 letters) - To run - "Correre," faster than walking, often as exercise or sport.
  3. 9. (7 letters) - To jump - "Saltare," propelling oneself into the air.
  4. 10. (7 letters) - To clean - "Pulire," the activity of removing dirt or mess.
  5. 11. (7 letters) - To sing - "Cantare," the act of producing musical sounds with the voice.
  6. 13. (7 letters) - To fish - "Pescare," the activity of catching fish.
  7. 14. (8 letters) - To paint - "Dipingere," the art of applying paint to a surface.
  8. 16. (8 letters) - To study - "Studiare," the activity of learning or analyzing a subject.
  9. 18. (7 letters) - To play - "Giocare," engaging in a game or sport.
  10. 19. (7 letters) - To read - "Leggere," the act of interpreting written text.
  1. 1. (7 letters) - To dance - "Ballare," moving rhythmically to music.
  2. 2. (9 letters) - To teach - "Insegnare," the act of giving knowledge or instruction.
  3. 3. (9 letters) - To walk - "Camminare," the act of moving at a regular pace by putting one foot in front of the other.
  4. 5. (8 letters) - To write - "Scrivere," the act of forming letters or words on a surface.
  5. 6. (11 letters) - To climb - "Arrampicare," the action of ascending or going up something.
  6. 8. (7 letters) - To swim - "Nuotare," the act of moving through water.
  7. 11. (8 letters) - To cook - "Cucinare," the process of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.
  8. 12. (8 letters) - To eat - "Mangiare," the act of consuming food.
  9. 15. (7 letters) - To drive - "Guidare," the act of operating and controlling a vehicle.
  10. 17. (4 letters) - To drink - "Bere," the act of consuming liquids.