
  1. 2. Italian ____. In America, it represents the 13 colonies and 50 states.
  2. 4. official religion of Italy, believes in one god
  3. 6. Common food in Italy. Usually served with sauce and meatballs.
  4. 7. _____ economy, where consumer choices determine how the government operates
  5. 9. _____ republic, where leaders are elected to represent the people
  6. 10. Major ethnic group, Starts with an "I"
  1. 1. Italy is located near Switzerland and this. _____ fries.
  2. 3. On December 25th in america, starts December 8th in Italy
  3. 5. _____ da Vinci, pained the Mona Lisa
  4. 6. Serigo Mattarella is this. It also means the Leader of the country.
  5. 8. Official language of Italy