Italy Winter 2021

  1. 2. It's definitely Daddo's
  2. 3. many many trips to this location
  3. 7. we flew on this airline
  4. 8. Was too low on the wall
  5. 10. Julia's new favorite game to play on xbox
  6. 12. was found on the mountain
  7. 15. was gifted to the smaller one of the family
  8. 16. secondary airline we "chose" to use
  9. 17. Also definitely Daddo’s
  10. 18. were forgotten in a rush
  1. 1. we were diverted to this location
  2. 4. Mamma is totes addicted
  3. 5. countless crates of these were purchased
  4. 6. we can't afford all of that extra ------
  5. 9. the way daddo prefers his pizzas over pizzette
  6. 11. didn't arrive in time
  7. 13. many of these were taken on the trip
  8. 14. one trip was taken to this location, (rocks)
  9. 19. once a ------- always a -------