
  1. 2. the rate of transmission of data from the disk to the CPU
  2. 4. pressing and releasing the left mouse button
  3. 7. contains instructions needed by the CPU
  4. 9. controls the basic functions of a computer
  5. 11. Refresh Rate of a computer in other word
  6. 12. changes the funcion of other keys
  7. 13. heart of the computer
  8. 14. carries all data that passes from the CPU to other devices
  9. 15. known as thumb or pen drives
  1. 1. its a type of waste from old computers and mobilephones to hi-fi and video systems
  2. 3. high speed units of memory used to store and control data
  3. 5. sets the keyboard in capitals mode
  4. 6. examines instructions from memory and executes them
  5. 8. A lightweight computer
  6. 10. main circuit board