It's all about Quality!

  1. 2. Collected for analysis
  2. 4. Root Cause Analysis
  3. 7. Test of a hypothesis
  4. 10. Controlled room for research
  5. 11. Internal Google
  6. 12. Scientific prediction
  7. 14. Everybody needs to accept it
  8. 15. Issue Management
  9. 17. Must be followed exactly
  1. 1. Representative research specimen
  2. 3. Template to fill
  3. 5. Spins samples really fast
  4. 6. ... and Safety
  5. 8. Transfers liquids
  6. 9. Instrument to perform a task
  7. 13. Institute in Hinxton
  8. 14. Wellcome Genome ...
  9. 16. Standard Operating Procedure