Its Not Like Its a Secret

  1. 1. the place sana and trish went to party before sana moved
  2. 4. where sana and her friends see Jiro and his mistress together
  3. 5. where sana, jaime, and their friends go after sana and jaime are back together
  4. 8. what sana collects to put in her private lacquer box
  5. 10. the author of the last poem sana read to jaime to get her back
  6. 11. the nickname sana uses for christina before she knows her name
  7. 13. a favorite dessert sana shares with her dad
  8. 15. the poem jaime recommended to sana thats the "opposite" of im nobody
  9. 16. where sana, jaime, and jaimes friends get cornered by a cop
  1. 2. the dish sana doesnt want to share with jaime because it might "freak her out"
  2. 3. where sana and her mom used to look for sea glass before they moved to california
  3. 6. a mantra sanas mom uses to "endure"
  4. 7. the sport that sana and jaime are involved in
  5. 9. sanas favorite poet
  6. 11. the type of earrings jiro got for his daughter and yuko-san
  7. 12. the meanest teacher at sanas school who made her read a poem outloud to jaime
  8. 14. president of the student body at sanas school