IVF affirmation and information

  1. 4. The hormone that keeps my baby snuggled comfortably in the thick luscious endometrium
  2. 9. the feeling I have for my baby
  3. 10. Love, Faith and _____
  4. 11. Day 5 embryo
  5. 13. the inner cell mass of a blastocyst
  6. 14. 16 cell embryo
  7. 16. the outer cell mass of a blastocyst
  8. 17. The process of the embryologist injecting the sperm into the egg
  9. 20. The country in which the first IVF baby was born
  10. 21. the syndrome of which is commonly associated in patients with PCOS
  11. 22. My Baby's first babysitter
  12. 24. After meditating, I feel _____
  1. 1. The symbol of infertility
  2. 2. the hormone which is positive when I am pregnant
  3. 3. secretes progesterone in my ovary
  4. 5. The process of the sperm meets the egg
  5. 6. I am ____ of this baby
  6. 7. My body is a _____ for my baby
  7. 8. The process of the embryo attaching to the uterine lining
  8. 12. The name of the test which tells you how many eggs remain
  9. 15. the process of the egg leaving the follicle
  10. 18. spaces of blood
  11. 19. The stage of 2, 4, 8 cell embryo
  12. 23. The world's first IVF baby