Izak’s crossword

  1. 1. A online chatting service like Skype but is made for gamers.
  2. 2. A happy feeling that you experience when you do something you like.
  3. 4. A big leap in Apples mobile phone industry that was amazingly popular.
  4. 7. A school in south west of Melbourne that has around 300 students in it.
  5. 9. A video streaming service by Google that has over 2 billion watchers.
  6. 10. A fun game that is usually associated to be a Australian sport that actually started in England.
  7. 12. A CEO of technology company Apple that died at age 56 in 2011.
  1. 1. A Australian Youtuber that specialises in iPods and MP3 players
  2. 3. A device manufacturer that used to make brick phones that younger people would associate with older people. They just starting making android phones
  3. 5. The creator of a big technology company that made Computer Operating systems.
  4. 6. A big technology company that shaped the way we look at computers.
  5. 8. Another big technology company that has big contributions in the music and phone industry and commonly has a I at the front of a product name.
  6. 11. A big iPhone that looked like a computer without a keyboard.