Jacks words

  1. 2. You did this for a long time last night and this morning.
  2. 5. Something that uses MIPS technology to protect your head.
  3. 10. ______ family has four people in it.
  4. 11. First I got my bike, ______ I rode to school quickly.
  5. 12. ______ are we going to go back to school? I think September.
  6. 13. A female chicken.
  1. 1. Something that you write with.
  2. 3. A polite word that you use when you'd like something.
  3. 4. Something that you like to ride on singletrack.
  4. 5. Do you ______ 5 loonies to trade for a $5 bill?
  5. 6. One of your favourite Leafs has a birthday today.
  6. 7. The age your sister will be in two years.
  7. 8. I think Mme Hayashi just watched Beastie ____story.
  8. 9. The colour of mom's car.
  9. 11. _______ are five deer over ______.