Jackson and Sectionalism

  1. 4. In the 1828 election, there were more ______ because property requirements were eliminated
  2. 5. Northern industrial states favored high ____ to protect manufacturers from foreign competition
  3. 8. Anti-slavery newspaper published by William Lloyd Garrison
  4. 10. Giving government jobs to loyal campaign supporters
  5. 11. Compromises over slavery prior to the Civil War were meant to balance power between free and slave states in this branch of the national government
  6. 13. This state opposed the Tariff of 1832 and threatened secession
  7. 16. Southern states relied on this type of economy before and after the Civil War
  8. 18. Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser led slave revolts in this state
  9. 20. The Know-Nothings and this political party were formed when the Federalist party died after the War of 1812—WHIGS
  10. 21. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady ______ were leaders of the women's suffrage movement
  1. 1. Event in which Native Americans were forced to march west; many died along the Way
  2. 2. Modeled after the Declaration of Independence, the _______ Declaration outlined reasons to give women the right to vote
  3. 3. America's victory in the Mexican War led to the U.S. acquisition of California,Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and _____.
  4. 6. Power given to the President to prevent passage of legislation
  5. 7. When a new state joined the Union and if forbid slavery, it was called this
  6. 9. This area entered the Union 9 years after fights for, and winning, independence from Mexico
  7. 12. The Missouri Compromise's separation of free and slave state areas deals solely with this territory
  8. 14. Westward expansion and admission of new states to the Union led to increased conflict over this issue
  9. 15. This term means a state can invalidate (void) an act of Congress
  10. 17. Battle where "Texans" were defeated by a superior Mexican army
  11. 19. This person vetoed the re-chartering of the Bank of the United States