Jacob's Dream

  1. 3. a person that you will
  2. 5. Something you climb to get
  3. 7. Jacob's father
  4. 9. Jacob poured this on top of
  5. 11. If you're lucky you have a
  6. 12. God
  7. 13. one tonight.
  8. 14. God promised to do this for
  9. 15. you what you need.
  10. 16. and all his
  11. 17. to "keep" you, or watch out
  1. 1. you
  2. 2. Jacob's grandfather
  3. 4. What Jacob used as a pillow
  4. 6. These beings have wings and
  5. 8. break
  6. 10. Something you make to God
  7. 11. It means to
  8. 18. stone