Jacob's Dream

  1. 3. In Jacob's dream, he saw a _____ set on earth and it's top reached to Heaven.
  2. 6. Jacob put a _____ under his head and lay down to sleep.
  3. 7. _____ means "House of God"
  4. 8. Jacob built a stone pillar, anointed it with oil, and called it the _____ of God.
  5. 9. When he woke up, Jacob said, "This place is the house of God, and this is the _____ of Heaven."
  1. 1. Jacob took the stone from under his head and poured _____ on it.
  2. 2. Jacob was Esau's _____.
  3. 4. In Jacob's dream, the _____ of God were going up and down from Heaven to earth.
  4. 5. God said to Jacob, "I am _____, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac."