
  1. 1. a stroke or cerebrovascular accident happens when there is not sufficient amount of this to the brain
  2. 3. deep vein___ occurs when there are clots in legs and pelvis
  3. 6. important hormone secreted by ovaries
  4. 8. type of feedback that happens in order to achieve homeostasis
  5. 9. small gland that secrete calcitonin
  6. 12. when homeostasis is reached, this type of feedback turns things off
  7. 15. transient ischemic attack
  8. 16. echoing heartbeat
  9. 17. diabetes involves a problem with metabolism of or intake of this sugar
  10. 20. this type of heart disease can result from strep throat
  11. 21. internal balance
  12. 23. type of diabetes someone is born with
  13. 25. melatonin seems to help regulate this important nightly activity
  14. 27. secretes hormones such as T4 which regulates metabolism
  15. 30. atherosclerosis is a ___ in arteries due to plaque build up
  1. 2. bulging eyes associated with thyroid problems
  2. 4. results when there is a lack of iron in blood
  3. 5. chemical messengers secreted by endocrine system
  4. 7. Addison's and Cushing's disease associated with these glands
  5. 8. diabetes is a problem with this organ
  6. 10. the endocrine system uses feedback systems to maintain this
  7. 11. someone with type 1 diabetes will always need this because they cannot make it
  8. 13. hormone involved in fight of flight
  9. 14. traveling blood clot
  10. 18. type of diabetes someone may develop after they are born, usually in adulthood
  11. 19. testosterone is produced by these
  12. 22. weakening in blood vessel that can bulge or burst
  13. 24. secretes human growth hormone
  14. 26. cerebrovascular accident, lack of blood to the brain
  15. 28. someone with type 2 diabetes MAY be able to control it by controlling this aspect of life
  16. 29. common name for myocardial infarction