Jacqueline's Safety Crossword

  1. 3. Never return these to their original containers.
  2. 5. Horseplay, practical jokes, and ____ are dangerous and NOT ALLOWED.
  3. 6. Never handle broken glass with your _____ ______.
  4. 9. Be this and use caution at all times in the lab.
  5. 12. Keep these clear. (Example: Push your chair in when not in use.)
  6. 13. Be _____ for your work in the lab!
  7. 15. Do not eat food, drink beverages, or ___ ___ in the lab.
  8. 17. Never look into a container that is being _____.
  9. 18. Call this when you or your partner are hurt.
  1. 1. Do not immerse hot ____ into cold water.
  2. 2. Always wear these when using chemicals or heat.
  3. 4. Do not _____ with other students working on a lab.
  4. 7. These are to be worn during all lab experiments.
  5. 8. All chemicals in lab should be considered this.
  6. 10. Always check these on chemical bottles twice.
  7. 11. If you do not understand an instruction, ____ for help.
  8. 12. Never work ____. No student may work in the lab without the instructor.
  9. 14. You should always point test tubes ___ from you when heating them.
  10. 16. Follow all verbal and _____ instructions carefully.