
  1. 2. Favorite song?
  2. 5. I like to play piano with _______
  3. 7. Favorite Grandad?
  4. 8. Middle Name?
  5. 12. How I said pizza when I was a toddler?
  6. 17. Favorite Movie?
  7. 18. Favorite Holiday?
  1. 1. We watch this as a family:
  2. 3. Birthday Month?
  3. 4. Where were you born?
  4. 6. Favorite Food?
  5. 9. Cream I like to eat this at Grannies house?
  6. 10. Swimming Level?
  7. 11. Elementary The name of my school?
  8. 13. Favorite season?
  9. 14. Favorite Superhero?
  10. 15. My first word was?
  11. 16. Favorite Animal?