Jaden Folse - The Mass Study Guide

  1. 3. Asking for forgiveness is asking for mercy and asking three times shows _ for our sins.
  2. 6. _ is the posture of listening and meditation, so the congregation sits for the pre-Gospel readings and may also sit for the period of meditation following Communion.
  3. 8. We give what is human and receive what is _.
  4. 9. God has a _ message for you.
  5. 10. a square white linen upon which the host and chalice are placed
  6. 13. _____This sign confesses faith in both the Holy Trinity and the Redemption.
  7. 15. In the celebration of Mass, we raise our hearts, minds, and voices to _.
  8. 16. Mass is the time to be _ in a special way by God and by one another.
  9. 20. If you really want to experience the Communion offered at Mass you need to show up at least 15-20 minutes before the Mass begins so that you have _ time for personal prayer and reflection.
  10. 21. By every Mass you can diminish the temporal punishment due to your _, more or less, according to your fervor.
  11. 23. a small linen used to wipe the chalice and the celebrant’s fingers and mouth
  12. 25. Before entering the pew, we pause while facing the tabernacle and bend the right knee all the way to the floor, then rise up again.
  13. 28. We genuflect towards the _.
  14. 30. Mass is the time to gather _ in God's presence.
  15. 31. The great Amean means we say _ to all the Eucharistic prayer has expressed.
  16. 32. vessel used to contain the Blessed Sacrament
  17. 35. vessel used to contain the Precious Blood of Christ
  18. 36. The concluding rights are significant because we are receiving our _.
  19. 37. word that means "praise God"
  20. 38. Water __ is found at the entrance to each Catholic Church.
  21. 39. Every mass will go with you to _ and will plead for pardon with you.
  1. 1. In the celebration of the Mass, we raise our hearts, minds, and voices to God, but we are creatures composed as body as well as spirit and so our prayer is not confined to our minds, hearts, and voices, but is expressed by our _ as well.
  2. 2. The ritual drop of holy water reminds us that we need to wash away _ things as we enter God's house.
  3. 4. All _ sins are forgiven during the introductory rites.
  4. 5. _ is a posture of both penance and adoration.
  5. 7. __ is the most perfect form of prayer.
  6. 10. For _, Mass attendance is a vital part of weekly, if not daily, life.
  7. 11. A vessel in which the consecrated Host is exposed for the adoration of the faithful
  8. 12. "_" meaning "So be it."
  9. 14. At the point of _ ordinary bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ.
  10. 17. _ should guide our behavior at any religious service.
  11. 18. lamp indicates the Presence of God in the Tabernacle
  12. 19. By piously hearing Holy Mass you afford the Souls in _ the greatest possible relief.
  13. 22. Throught the holy Mass you are _ in your temporal goods and affairs.
  14. 24. The significance of communion is coming in _ with Christ.
  15. 26. Holy water also reminds us of our _ promises.
  16. 27. We enter God's house with _.
  17. 29. The celebration of the _ is the focal point of the entire Mass.
  18. 33. You certainly have to be at Mass to receive the entire _ in order to receive communion.
  19. 34. _ is a sign of respect and honor, so we stand as the celebrant who represents Christ enters and leaves the assembly.