Jake Watson/Mrs. Hunts project

  1. 4. He is among us.
  2. 5. I am ready to go sit down.
  3. 6. That affected me.
  4. 9. The ball is over there.
  5. 11. You get to choose the class leader.
  6. 12. I went to your house.
  7. 13. The one main principle is not to throw things.
  1. 1. Make sure to use capital letters.
  2. 2. I went to your house
  3. 3. The ball hitch is loose.
  4. 7. I pick all of Ya'll except him.
  5. 8. It's over there.
  6. 10. I would rather be on that team than this team.
  7. 14. After I sit I am going to lay.