Janelle's Baby Shower

  1. 2. Janelle prefers breast or bottle
  2. 5. Janelle's favorite color
  3. 6. Month of year baby is due
  4. 8. Baby's eldest brother first and last name
  5. 10. Janelle's most disliked food during pregnancy
  6. 11. Baby's youngest brother first and middle name
  7. 14. Baby's gender
  8. 15. Baby's middle name
  9. 16. Food Janelle craved during pregnancy
  1. 1. Where did the happy couple meet
  2. 3. How many children do Janelle and Dewayne want
  3. 4. Baby's zodiac sign if born on or after due date
  4. 7. Janelle's favorite restaurant
  5. 9. Janelle's favorite shopping Super-Center
  6. 11. Baby's first name
  7. 12. Theme of baby girl's nursery
  8. 13. Janelle's oldest son is how many years Baby J's senior