
  1. 5. Annual _____________ exam – our name for the visit members get when they schedule their Annual Routine Physical Exam and their Medicare Wellness Visit back-to-back on the same day.
  2. 7. Screening ___________ – Colorectal cancer screening that is covered every 10 years, or every 2 years for people at high risk of colorectal cancer.
  3. 8. ____ Mass Measurement – for people at risk of osteoporosis or of losing bone mass, procedures to identify bone mass, detect bone loss, or determine bone quality, are covered.
  4. 9. Medicare’s ________ Visit – a yearly visit with your provider or his/her staff to develop or update a personalized prevention help plan to prevent disease based in your heath and risk factors.
  5. 11. ________ screening – we cover this screening if you have a history of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, a history of abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, or a family history of diabetes.
  6. 12. Screening _________ – Breast cancer screening that is covered every calendar year for women age 40 and older.
  7. 14. ________ cancer screening exams for men age 50 and older include a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test and a digital rectal exam
  8. 15. _______ screening and therapy to promote sustained weight loss – For people with a body mass index of 30 or more, we cover intensive counseling in a primary care setting to help in weight loss.
  1. 1. _______ use cessation – if you use tobacco, but do not have signs or symptoms of tobacco-related disease, we cover two counseling quit attempts.
  2. 2. For people with diabetes, screening for ________ retinopathy is covered once per year.
  3. 3. Annual Routine ________ ____ – a yearly visit with your provider. In this visit, your provider evaluates your body and its functions using inspection, palpation (feeling with the hands), percussion (tapping with the fingers), and auscultation (listening).
  4. 4. _____________ – covered services include Pneumonia vaccine, flu shots, and the Hepatitis B vaccine.
  5. 6. A routine ___ exam (eye refraction) to determine the need for eyeglasses/contacts, once per calendar year. Original Medicare doesn’t cover this visit.
  6. 7. ________ and vaginal cancer screening – covered include pap tests and pelvic exams every 24 months for all women.
  7. 10. Screening for ____ cancer with low dose computed tomography (LDCT) for people who have a history of tobacco smoking but no signs or symptoms of lung cancer.
  8. 13. ___ – a yearly “fecal immunochemical test” is an alternative to a screening colonoscopy.