Japanese History

  1. 5. Private companies that were funded by the government
  2. 8. The war between Japan and China which brought many benefits to Japan after their victory.
  3. 9. The main island of Japan
  4. 11. World famous volcano located near Tokyo
  5. 13. Official religion of Japan set by the Meiji government
  6. 14. Who was the emperor of Japan during the modernization?
  7. 17. The war between China and Britain involving the spreading of opium
  8. 18. Non-westernern countries adapting the ways of Western superpowers.
  9. 19. The General of the US, who started Japan's iWesternion with Western superpowers
  10. 20. World famous dish of Japan consisting of Rice covered with a slice of raw fish
  1. 1. The last shogun
  2. 2. The military class of the Japanese caste system
  3. 3. The war between Russia and Japan
  4. 4. Increasing the country's power by conquering others or diplomacy
  5. 6. The Prime Minister Opan who was truly the most powerful man during the Meiji era
  6. 7. The country in which Japan tried to imitate their army and government
  7. 10. A code or a way that Samurai followed throughout their lives
  8. 12. The treaties made between Japan and the Western superpowers
  9. 15. Which group of samurais revolted against the quickly westernizing imperialist government?
  10. 16. The use of superior naval capabilities to intimidate lesser powers.