Japanese Mythology

  1. 3. Japanese word for "supernatural being" or "monster"
  2. 4. Japanese word for "divine wind"
  3. 6. Mythical creature that brings good luck in Japanese folklore
  4. 8. Sun goddess in Japanese mythology
  5. 11. God of thunder and lightning in Japanese mythology
  6. 12. Japanese word for "spirit" or "deity"
  1. 1. Mythical sword in Japanese mythology
  2. 2. A type of Yokai that inhabit old tools and possessions
  3. 4. Yokai that inhabits rivers and sometimes attacks people
  4. 5. A strong, demon-like Yokai of the mountains
  5. 7. God of the sea in Japanese mythology
  6. 9. Bird with a human head in Japanese mythology
  7. 10. Snake or dragon-like creature in Japanese mythology
  8. 12. Mythical creature that can shapeshift into a human