Japanese Occupation

  1. 1. a place where large numbers of people are deliberately imprisoned and are often forced to labor
  2. 3. served as the 38th and final naval governor of Guam
  3. 6. At the end of the war, his headquarters was at Fonte Plateau, now called Nimitz Hill, in Guam
  4. 9. a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial requiring all complete subservience to the state
  5. 10. a guard unit referred to Guam to defend the island when the Japanese invaded
  6. 11. Japan's concept of colonization and empire within Asia, in order to control other countries and use their resources for war
  1. 2. Guam's renamed name (Great Shrine Island)
  2. 4. War crimes that were committed by the Empire of Japan in many asian-pacific countries during the period of Japanese imperialism
  3. 5. the second CHamoru to be ordained a priest and led the catholic church during the occupation
  4. 7. he escaped capture from the Japanese and was the only American to survive the entire occupation in hiding
  5. 8. relating to a ruler who has absolute power