Jaques Cartier

  1. 2. continent Cartier thought he'd found
  2. 5. Sailed down it on the second voyage
  3. 6. sailed across this ocean
  4. 8. Mythical city full of
  5. 10. Born in
  6. 12. Tree from which to make scurvy remedy
  7. 13. Cartier met with him
  8. 14. Curative medicine
  9. 16. c used in the treatment of scurvy
  10. 17. Cartier died of this
  1. 1. Modern-day Montreal
  2. 3. Lawrence Explored land around this gulf
  3. 4. King asked him to lead the expedition
  4. 5. Some of Cartier's crew died from
  5. 7. French word for China
  6. 9. Second voyage spent winter there
  7. 11. Season experienced in Canada
  8. 15. Mythical kingdom
  9. 18. Attacked by