Java Crossword

  1. 5. a single character
  2. 9. coding oriented around objects
  3. 11. displays code
  4. 13. only can be used within subclasses; not public
  5. 15. one of the universal coding languages
  6. 16. numbers with decimals in java
  7. 17. 1’s and 0’s
  8. 18. restricted access
  9. 19. a block of code that does a specific job
  1. 1. sets the values for the variables
  2. 2. creating multiple versions of a method or constructer
  3. 3. a number(s) or character(s)that can be changed.
  4. 4. open for everyone
  5. 6. goes on forever
  6. 7. prints an output
  7. 8. loop a condition must be met to go on unless it is broken
  8. 10. a real number with no decimals
  9. 11. a file
  10. 12. multiple characters
  11. 14. an app that runs can run and create java with users