Java terms

  1. 3. decimals
  2. 5. single character in between ''
  3. 6. a string of characters in between ""
  4. 8. The practice of stringing capitalized words together with no spaces
  5. 11. A value that does not change
  6. 12. returns the values of the variables
  7. 13. The data associated with programs
  8. 15. first creating something (usually a variable)
  1. 1. True or False
  2. 2. Methods called during the creation(instantiation) of an object
  3. 4. The variables that are listed as part of a method declaration
  4. 5. Designated by a //
  5. 7. Package, import, public class
  6. 9. Defines where this class lives relative to other classes, and provides a level of access control
  7. 10. rounding
  8. 14. integers
  9. 16. A library of packages and object classes that are already written and are available for use in your programs.