Jayden's crossword

  1. 4. Obtained through dairy product and meats
  2. 6. To get strong teeth and bones you must eat/drink substances containing...
  3. 7. To believe you can do something leaving you physically and mentally strong
  4. 8. Keeping good nutrition and hydrated helps give you a good...
  5. 10. Food can bring people closer to form better...
  6. 14. Most important to the human body, helping transport nutrients around the body, structure of cells, regulation of body temperature
  7. 15. Needed for to help muscle contractions
  1. 1. The bodies main energy source
  2. 2. ... and minerals are needed for a healthy nutrition
  3. 3. Should be avoided as it makes you need to urinate more often loosing a lot of liquids
  4. 5. A good nutrition protects you from gaining an..
  5. 9. Important for adolescent muscle development and also helps repair and the growth of cells
  6. 11. This helps to keep strong/good blood flow
  7. 12. Something to gain out of a good nutrition and hydration
  8. 13. Pressure/tension effecting you mentally causing you to be...