Jaynie's Baby Shower!

  1. 4. Where is Artie's Mom from?
  2. 8. Where was Artie's big sister born?
  3. 11. Who threw this awesome party?
  4. 12. What is Artie short for?
  5. 13. Who is Artie's big sister?
  1. 1. What faction were Rob and Jaynie in when they met?
  2. 2. Where is Artie's Dad from?
  3. 3. What do most babies have that is considered rare but is infact common?
  4. 5. What month has the heaviest babies?
  5. 6. What PC Game did Rob and Jaynie meet on?
  6. 7. In the old timey phrase "Don't throw the baby out with _________________.
  7. 9. What are babies born without?
  8. 10. What was Artie's nickname before Jaynie and Rob had decided on a name?