Jazz Age

  1. 2. Several other dances in this age included the ___ the Breakaway, and the Lindy Hop.
  2. 4. ___ was a famous African American blues singer and earned the title of “Empress of the Blues”.
  3. 8. Women’s role in society became more prevalent as they went into the workforce and earned the right to ____.
  4. 9. Jelly Roll Morton led his band called the Jelly Roll Morton’s _______, who were well-versed in the New Orleans ensemble style. Their style of music, swing, later became popularized.
  5. 11. ____musicians were given less opportunities to perform in proper theatres and establishments. Because of this, they were often associated with less reputable venues which created a deeper push towards calling jazz music the devil’s music.
  6. 13. Many Americans were ____ of jazz music since many of the rising musicians were African American.
  7. 15. Flappers broke traditional values by taking on ___ standards such as smoking, short bobbed hair, and fashionable short dresses.
  8. 16. The “soundtrack” of the Roaring 20s emerged with the ____ age.
  9. 17. The Jazz Age is also known as the ___ Twenties and the Roaring Twenties.
  10. 20. The Jazz Age is illustrated in ___ by the various parties held and in their society’s style of fashion, life, and music.
  11. 23. The Jazz Age started after ___.
  12. 27. As ___ came in effect, nightclubs, such as The Cotton Club in the Harlem neighborhood, began to illegally sell alcohol which led to the rise of many black jazz musicians as they had opportunities to perform.
  13. 28. The jazz genre set off different standards and ideas. These included improvisation over traditional structure, ____ over composer, and black performers over white performers.
  14. 29. Jazz music quickly rose to popularity by being played in ____.
  15. 30. Cab Calloway learned to ____ sing from tutoring from Louis Armstrong. This form of singing is created by vocal improvisations of nonsensical syllables.
  16. 32. During the Jazz Age, in literature, ___ ideas were challenged and realistic themes in characters and stories emerged.
  17. 34. Many jazz musicians who started off in __ and were namely African Americans
  18. 35. The most popular type of radio concert was a ___ which consisted of amateur and big name performers.
  19. 37. Trumpeter Louis Armstrong had over 60 influential records in the span of three years with his band called the _____ . He later used scat and swing rhythms when he was a soloist.
  20. 38. The Jazz age ___ as the Great Depression occurred.
  21. 39. Mothers of young women formed the Anti-Flirt League with ___ against flappers and their defiant lifestyle.
  1. 1. Jim Crow Laws were still in effect during the Jazz Age and weakened the blacks’ opportunities to perform and also led to ____ orchestras.
  2. 3. Jazz composer and pianist Duke Ellington was a leader of a jazz orchestra called Duke Ellington and His ___ Orchestra.
  3. 5. In 1924, jazz performance solos started to play by ___ where soloists created music without any preparations.
  4. 6. With the Great Depression, many smaller and less successful jazz groups were ____ impacted, more black groups than white.
  5. 7. The nation’s wealth ___ as the 20’s gained attraction and allowed Americans to revive with happiness from World War I.
  6. 10. The ____ was a artistic movement that began during the Jazz Age and expanded black culture through the arts.
  7. 12. In addition to New York, many New Orleanians settled in ___ and popularized jazz in the city and its nightlife.
  8. 14. Thomas Edison ridiculed jazz music having said it would sound better ____.
  9. 18. Jazz music was not only popular in the United States but in England, France, and other ___ countries as well.
  10. 19. By the end of the 20’s, there had been over 60 communities across the nation who had enacted laws ___ jazz in public dance halls, as jazz was considered dangerous.
  11. 21. With the introduction of the radio, Americans could listen to jazz music through ___ concerts and broadcasts.
  12. 22. The Jazz Age diversified society by bringing ____ men and women together both white and black.
  13. 24. Some Americans, especially the older generations, criticized the music of the 20’s and called it the devil’s music because the music was very ____ and sensuous.
  14. 25. White bandleader Paul Whiteman called himself the “___ of Jazz” with a style of jazz that incorporated symphonic and formally written music rather than improvisation; he ended up dealing with much controversy.
  15. 26. ___ were fashionable young women who flouted societal standards.
  16. 31. The Women’s Liberation ___ had rebellions against societal standards that were partly influenced by the liberation from jazz.
  17. 33. In addition to new music styles, various dances emerged such as the ___.
  18. 36. The composition of “____ in Blue” by George Gershwin combined classical and jazz music and is considered to be one of the 20th century’s finest compositions.