Jazzy Wazzy

  1. 2. Where you worked
  2. 7. What you have
  3. 8. Favorite Animal
  4. 10. Favorite Sport to Watch
  5. 14. Favorite Color
  6. 16. Most fun VB Position
  7. 17. Classic Saying
  1. 1. TFT Rank
  2. 3. Dog Name
  3. 4. Favorite Pokemon
  4. 5. The color ____
  5. 6. GOAT
  6. 9. What I need a new one of
  7. 11. What I need new ones of
  8. 12. Sophomore year (Your Junior Year) Spot
  9. 13. Most visited place on campus
  10. 15. Go to eats in Austin