Jeanice Kimberly 8C

  1. 2. disease in which there is uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs
  2. 6. something in smoke binds into haemoglobin
  3. 12. a space that lungs are in
  4. 13. bronchus splits into smaller tubes called
  5. 14. when inhalation the higher air pressure out side forces air to .... the lungs
  6. 16. the letting out of air is called
  7. 17. the inflamation of the brochi
  8. 19. the wall of the trachea contains
  9. 23. ribcage consist of the ribs and...
  10. 24. the accumulation of ..... in the aveoli blocks the respiratory surface far gas exchange
  1. 1. something diaphragm muscle do when inhalation
  2. 3. something that intercostal muscle do when exhalation
  3. 4. condition due to the damage of aveoli in the lungs
  4. 5. the the lining cells of the bronchiole are distrupted, leading to an excessive secreation of ...
  5. 7. something that causes addiction to smokers
  6. 8. something the volume of thoracic cavity does when exhalation
  7. 9. one of the ways to protect our respiratory system is to stay away from ....
  8. 10. bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called
  9. 11. when we breathe in air enters respiratory system through the
  10. 12. the natural cleansing of the lungs is distrupted, leading to the accumulation
  11. 15. lungs are protected by
  12. 18. the taking in air is called
  13. 20. the external and intercostal muscle is located between the diaphragm and ...
  14. 21. muscular sheet that seperates thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity
  15. 22. after air leave the nasal cavity it goes down to