JEFCOED Code of Conduct

  1. 5. A student shall have the opportunity to make up examination or work which occurred during an ___________ absence or an absence approved by the Principal.
  2. 7. _____________ activities are organized and supervised activities which may include but are not limited to athletics, school clubs, and associations, some academic and scholastic teams, musical activities, theatrical activities, student government, student publications and other activities.
  3. 8. A disciplinary action where the student is assigned to a designated room on a school campus, either outside the regular school day or during the regular school day, for a specified period of time.
  4. 9. An ______________ absence includes skipping, cutting class, and leaving school grounds without permission and is classified as a Class II offense.
  5. 13. According to the dress and grooming guidelines, jeans and other articles of clothing must be clean with no open holes __________________________ (where?).
  6. 14. According to the dress and grooming guidelines, only _______________________ bags may be used. Back packs/book bags may not have wheels unless written approval is given by a physician due to a medical reason.
  7. 15. ______________ is the intentional and deliberate action resulting in injury or damages of less than $200 to public property or real estate or personal property of another. It is considered to be a Class I offense.
  8. 16. _______________ use of profane or obscene language is considered to be a Class I offense.
  9. 19. Being a minor disruption on a school bus is classified as a _________ offense.
  10. 20. Use of wireless communication devices is classified as a ___________ offense.
  1. 1. Dr. W. Craig ___________ is the superintendent of the Jefferson County Board of Education.
  2. 2. Seven unexcused absences within a school year will result in a student being considered ____________ for the purpose of filing a petition with the Court.
  3. 3. A disciplinary action that involves the removal of a student from the Jefferson county school system.
  4. 4. ______________ to the dress code is considered to be a Class I offense.
  5. 6. Willful ___________ is defined as recurring minor violations of the code of student conduct as determined by the school administrator which disrupts the orderly conduct of a school function and is classified as a Class II offense.
  6. 10. A disciplinary action that involves the temporary removal of a student from his or her regular program and from the school.
  7. 11. According to the dress and grooming guidelines hats, caps, headbands, sweat bands, _________, visors, and sunglasses must be removed and placed in the locker or designated area and remain during the school day.
  8. 12. According to the dress and grooming guidelines skirts, dresses, and shorts may be no shorter than __________ above the top of the knee. Slits in skirts must meet this same requirement.
  9. 17. _____________ others is defined as promoting, publicizing, participating in, leading, encouraging or assisting in a major disturbance which results in destruction or damage to private or public property, personal injury, substantial disruptions to the orderly learning environment, or which poses a threat to the health, safety and/or welfare or students, employees or others. It is classified as a Class III offense.
  10. 18. According to the dress and grooming guidelines, school administration may require that shirts and blouses be ______________ and coats be removed upon entering the building.