Jeff Cross words 1

  1. 2. Gordon Bombay or Anaheim hockey club
  2. 6. Diana Prince daughter of Zeus.
  3. 11. John McClain
  4. 12. The most frozen story with Dennis Quaid
  5. 14. Paul Walker, Vince Diesel ___ and ___.
  6. 15. Lenny Fedler and Friends
  7. 17. Frank Martin
  8. 19. Colin Firth was Galahad
  9. 21. Oakkand Athletics
  10. 23. Axel Foley
  11. 25. Billy Baston
  12. 28. Patrizia Reggiani
  13. 29. Starkiller ok Skywalker Soap Story
  14. 31. Barney Ross and Lee Chrismas
  15. 32. Shea Leboeuf
  16. 33. Connerey, Moore, Dalton, Bronsman, Craig
  17. 34. Professor X and Magneto
  1. 1. William Wallace
  2. 3. Ennemy of Lex Luthor
  3. 4. Captain Harris and Proctor
  4. 5. Maguire, Garfield & Holland
  5. 7. The life depands of the action, Larry Joseph Burrows
  6. 8. Mel Gibson & Danny Glover
  7. 9. Keanu Reeves
  8. 10. Ally & Jackson Maine
  9. 13. The Great Gene Hackman & Keanu Reeves
  10. 16. Jim Phelps, Ethan Hunt, Stickwell
  11. 18. Kirk, Picard, Janeway
  12. 20. Samuel Jackson & Basketball 2005
  13. 22. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black widow, Hawkeye, Spiderman, Ant-man, Dr. Strange
  14. 24. Street, Hondo, Gamble
  15. 26. Mel Gibson
  16. 27. Michael Keaton is the Real Bruce Wayne.
  17. 30. Matt Damon