Jeffersonian Era

  1. 2. Jefferson issued the ______ Act to ban trade with all foreign nations
  2. 3. Islamic Barbary ______ from North Africa preyed upon western nations' trade ships
  3. 7. The _____ Purchase was the best real estate deal in the history of the world
  4. 8. The Non-Intercourse Act banned trade with ______ and France
  5. 11. The Marbury v. Madison case established...
  6. 13. ________ were commissioned by Jefferson to explore the new territory
  7. 16. President Jefferson reduced the size of the...
  8. 17. In his inauguration, Jefferson said, "We are all Federalists; we are all..."
  9. 18. The Barbary states demanded the U.S. pay...
  10. 19. ______ ended the Quasi War and sold off his North American empire
  1. 1. The Barbary states include Algiers, Morocco, Tunis, and _______.
  2. 4. The Election of 1800 saw the nation's first peaceful transition of...
  3. 5. During the Barbary War, Jefferson established the ______ Corps
  4. 6. Jefferson's economic policy; Hands off the economy!
  5. 9. This nation's revolution cost Napoleon his American empire
  6. 10. Jefferson's opponent in 1800 Election
  7. 12. President Jefferson revoked Hamilton's excise tax on...
  8. 14. Jefferson's Vice President killed _______ in a duel
  9. 15. ________ No. 2 restored the U.S. trade alliance with France over Britain