Jeff's CrossWord

  1. 3. Being Owned By Someone
  2. 6. A Independent Government State
  3. 7. Slaves Owned By Sparta
  4. 8. People Who Could Use "Power" of Minds
  5. 9. Murdered For Political Reasons
  6. 10. Greek History Or Culture After The Death Of Alexander
  7. 11. A Independent Government In Southern Greece
  8. 13. Wild, Uncivilized People
  9. 14. Public Market Or Meeting Place
  10. 15. People Who Sell Goods
  1. 1. Wide Spread Disease
  2. 2. Action Taken To Isolate The Enemy
  3. 4. Long Story Telling Poem
  4. 5. Conflict Between Athens And Sparta
  5. 9. A City-State In Ancient Greece
  6. 12. A Serious Story That Ends In Disaster