
  1. 3. name
  2. 4. bedroomwall colour
  3. 6. name of program to make crossword
  4. 8. soccer club
  5. 10. Favourite video game
  6. 11. shoe size
  7. 12. last years soccer club
  8. 17. favourite colour
  9. 18. name of crossword
  10. 19. amount of trophies
  11. 20. iPad time in a day
  12. 21. last name
  13. 22. home to school time length
  14. 24. amount of medals
  15. 25. the scores of the match we won on the weekend
  16. 26. favourite soccer club
  1. 1. favourite football club
  2. 2. age
  3. 5. best friend
  4. 7. school
  5. 9. Favourite YouTuber
  6. 13. kids in my classroom
  7. 14. middle name
  8. 15. sport
  9. 16. 2 years ago soccer club
  10. 19. kids that left my classroom of the year
  11. 23. match ball size
  12. 24. mentor