- 3. What is Jenelle and Camerons favorite Sport to watch? *Every 4 years*
- 5. How many siblings do they have combine
- 6. Camerons Middle name
- 8. What is Jenelles favorite Holiday?
- 9. Jenelle Favorite ice cream flavor
- 11. Jenelles Go To Beer
- 12. Where did Jenelle and Cameron meet?
- 15. Camerons favorite Movie (Tom Hanks & MAtt Damon)
- 17. Where was Jenelle and Camerons First Date?
- 18. WHat Month did Cameron purpose?
- 21. What is the first anime Jenelle and Cameron watched together?
- 22. Camerons favorite color
- 25. Something Cameron cant live without
- 26. Camerons Favorite Sport team
- 27. What does Jenelle spend her money on the most?
- 28. What Movie did Jenelle and Cameron watch on their first date?
- 1. Camerons and Jenelles first trip together?
- 2. First Concert They saw together
- 4. Whats Camerons Favorite Dessert
- 7. Who said I Love You First
- 10. Jenelle Favorite Movie
- 13. Where did Jenelle and Cameron Get engaged?
- 14. Where do Jenelle and Cameron go on their days off?
- 16. Their Favorite sport to do together
- 17. Jenelle Middle name
- 18. Jenelles favorite color
- 19. How many years have Jenelle and Cameron been together?
- 20. Camerons Favorite Beer?
- 23. Jenelle and Camerons College Mascot
- 24. Jenelles favorite childhood cartoon