Jenny' crossword

  1. 1. contains the firmware or startup instructions for the computer system
  2. 4. one chip that forms an interface between the CPU,the main memory
  3. 5. I/O controller
  4. 7. Rate is the speed at which instructions at executive
  5. 9. the brain of the computer
  6. 10. on many types of motherboard
  1. 2. 84 bit
  2. 3. does calculations
  3. 5. for the system's main memory,peripherals and video-graphics card.
  4. 6. Hz
  5. 7. turns memory into signals to work the computer
  6. 8. connectors provide the physical interface between input and output devices and the motherboard
  7. 9. speedy memory
  8. 11. range how a CPU represents numbers