Jenny & Tyler ~ Sip and Solve

  1. 4. Jenny’s favorite TV show
  2. 8. Tyler’s favorite show this year
  3. 10. Month of proposal & anniversary
  4. 11. Jenny’s weakest of the five senses
  5. 13. First vacation together
  6. 15. Tyler’s middle name
  7. 18. Jenny’s favorite animal
  8. 19. Tyler’s favorite type of cured meat
  9. 20. Tyler’s favorite type of provolone cheese
  10. 22. Proposal location
  11. 24. First international vacation together
  12. 26. High school mascot
  13. 27. Number of states they both lived
  14. 28. Name of both Tyler and Jenny’s childhood dog
  15. 30. Sport Tyler played in high school and college
  16. 31. Number of years the bride and groom have been together
  17. 32. Gameshow they watch together every night
  18. 33. Furthest place Tyler has traveled
  1. 1. Jenny’s favorite restaurant
  2. 2. College mascot
  3. 3. Jenny’s signature dish she made for Tyler on their first date
  4. 5. Tyler’s signature fashion piece for senior year of high school
  5. 6. Their minor in college
  6. 7. Show Tyler convinced Jenny to try rewatching after years only for both to now love it
  7. 9. Jenny’s company
  8. 12. Intramural sport they played in DC
  9. 14. Sport they picked back up a few years ago
  10. 16. Older member of the couple
  11. 17. Instrument Tyler started playing this year
  12. 18. Tyler’s podcast
  13. 20. Class they took together in high school
  14. 21. Current city they live in
  15. 23. Wedding venue name
  16. 25. Where Tyler and Jenny met
  17. 29. Their first concert together (Hint: EDM)